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Kootenai River Network, Inc. – is a U.S. 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that accomplishes its goals through grants and contributions from collaborators. The primary purpose of the Kootenai River Network is to foster communication and implement collaborative processes among private and public interests in the Kootenai River Basin. These cooperative programs lead to improved resource management practices and the restoration of water quality and aquatic resources in the basin.
Contact:  Email
(406) 293-8754

Lincoln County Floodplain Management  – The Montana Floodplain and Floodway Management Act was passed to restrict floodplain and floodway areas to uses that will not be seriously damaged or present a hazard to life, if flooded, thereby limiting the expenditure of public tax dollars for emergency operations and disaster relief. Contact:  952 E. Spruce Street, Suite 205, Libby, MT 59923
(406) 293-6296

Lincoln County Lake Shore Regulations – Lincoln County adopted Lake Shore Regulations to protect the character of the lakes and recognize that the ecosystem of these lakes are inseparably intertwined with the adjacent riparian corridor and wetland areas; to conserve and protect natural lakes for their high scenic and resource value; conserve and protect the value of lake Shore property and to conserve and protect the value of the lakes for the residents and visitors who enjoy them. Contact:  Lincoln County Planning Department
418 Mineral Avenue, Libby, MT  59923
(406) 283-2460


MACD – Montana Association of Conservation Districts – For more than 70 years, the Montana Association of Conservation Districts has been contributing to the success of conservation districts all across Montana.  Created in 1942 MACD is a private non-profit associations, governed by a statewide Board of Directors.  MACD works with the National Association of Conservation Districts to influence the activities of federal agencies and Congress.
Contact:  1101 11th Avenue, Helena, MT 59601
(406) 443-5711

Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks – MTFW&P oversees the state fisheries and wildlife programs and manages state owned parks.  MTWF&P provides technical assistance to conservation districts in regulating non-governmental stream projects under the Stream Preservation Act.
Contact:  385 Fish Hatchery Road, Libby, MT  59923
(406) 293-4161

Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation – DNRC promotes stewardship of Montana’s water, soil, forest and rangeland resources; regulates forest practices; gas and oil exploration and production; administers grant and loan programs.
Contact:  1625 Eleventh Avenue
P.O. Box 201601, Helena, MT 59620
(406) 444-2072

Montana Department of Agriculture – MDA administers state laws protecting agricultural producers from diseases, insects predators and weeds.  MDA regulates fruit, seed and other agricultural product grading.  MDA issues and approves licenses for nursery dealers, pesticide operators, and applicators.
Contact:  302 North Roberts Street
P.O. Box 200201, Helena, MT   59620
(406) 444-3144

Montana Department of Environmental Quality -DEQ is the state’s lead agency in charge of implementing state and federal resource protection laws.  The agency has both regulatory and non-regulatory functions and administers the provisions of the Federal Clean Water Act.
Contact:  1520 E. Sixth Avenue
P.O. Box 20091, Helena, MT   59620
(406) 444-2544


Army Corps of Engineers – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans and constructs reservoirs and local measures to control floods and improve navigation.  It is active in flood control, hydroelectric power, municipal and industrial water supplies and recreation as well as planning for water resource development. Contact: 17115 Highway 37, Libby, MT   59923
(406) 293-7751

Bureau of Land Management – Land managed by the BLM is generally non-forested public land used for grazing and recreation.  The Minerals Management Service manages all minerals within the public estate (regardless of who owns or manages the surface).
Contact:  Missoula Field Office
3255 Fort Missoula Road, Missoula, MT   59804
(406) 329-3914

Environmental Protection Agency – The mission of the EPA is to protect human health and the environment.  To accomplish this, the EPA develops and enforces regulations, offers grants, studies environmental issues, sponsors partnerships and provides education about the environment.  For information regarding the Libby Superfund Site:
Contact:  EPA Information Center
108 E. 9th Street, Libby, MT  59923
(406) 293-6194

NRCS – Natural Resources Conservation Service – Works side by side with conservation districts to provide science-based technical assistance with soils, conservation practices and planning to Montana land owners and others.
Contact:  949 US Highway 93 North, Eureka, MT   59917
(406) 296-7152

USDA Forest Service – District Ranger Stations – The Forest Service manages forested public lands for multiple uses and oversees projects on them.  It is concerned with timber management, erosion, grazing, weed control, water quality and other soil and water problems.  USFS sponsors cooperative programs through state forestry agencies, the Natural Resources Conservation Services and conservation districts to control fires, stabilize gullies, improve forest growth, plant trees and control forest pests.
Supervisors Office:  31374 Hwy 2, Libby (406) 293-6211
Eureka:  949 US Hwy 93 North (406) 296-2536
Libby (Canoe Gulch):  12557 Hwy 37 (406)293-7773
Troy (Three Rivers):  12858 US Hwy 2 (406) 295-4693
Cabinet Mountains (Trout Creek):  2693 Hwy 200 (406) 827-3522

US Fish and Wildlife Service – The USFWS is responsible for wild birds, mammals (except certain marine mammals) and inland sport fisheries.  FWS conducts research activities, and environmental impact assessments in addition to managing wildlife refuges.
Contact:  Creston Fish & Wildlife Center
780 Creston Hatchery Road, Kalispell   59901
(406) 758-6880



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