Lincoln Conservation District was awarded an EPA 319 Grant through the Montana Department of Environmental Quality to complete Phase I of the stream restoration project on the Tobacco River. Funding for the re-vegetation of Phase I was awarded through the Sweet Grass County Conservation District. Construction of Phase I began July 15, 2018 and was completed November 2018.
Phase II was funded through a Department of Natural Resource Conservation Reclamation and Development Grant, EPA 319 Interim Grant and Sweet Grass County Conservation District Grant. Construction of Phase II began July 15, 2019 and was completed in November 2019
Combined, Phase I and II will restore approximately 1 mile of river channel. The restoration project will bring natural meanders and create approximately 5 acres of riparian floodplain. It is the intent of the floodplain restoration to create a floodplain that is hydrologically connected to the stream channel. A variety of streambed, streambank and floodplain plants will be established to support the river and wetland plant communities. The project will enhance habitat conditions in this important reach of the Tobacco River which serves as a critical migratory corridor to spawning and rearing tributaries in the Upper Tobacco River drainage.
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