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Lincoln Conservation District has been awarded an EPA 319 Grant through the Montana Department of Environmental Quality to complete the restoration of one half mile of Mud Creek and the adjacent riparian area and floodplain.  Additional funding has been proved by DNRC Watershed Grant program and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service through Kootenai River Network.  Funding for the vegetation is through a DNRC 223 grant.  The project is located at the intersection of U.S. Highway 93 and Mud Creek Road. The goal of the project is to improve the aquatic species habitat by addressing stream health and installing a fish barrier to prevent non-native species from continuing upstream.  The project site was formerly a timber milling site that operated from 1954 through 1973.  During the sawmill operation, Mud Creek was straightened and channelized along Mud Creek Road and a cooling pond was constructed in the southeast corner of the project site.

Construction began October 1, 2018 and was completed in late November.  Final vegetation planting was completed in spring 2019

Photo Gallery

The following photos have been submitted by citizens visiting the Mud Creek Restoration area. This helps us monitor the progress at the site as vegetation fills in and the creek adjusts to its new meanders. If you visit the site, use the button below to upload your photos!

The next three photos show the growth of the vegetation on the embankment and floodplain

To help prevent the upstream migration of non-native pike, a fish barrier was installed in Mud Creek.

On November 20th water was released into the new channel of Mud Creek

New vegetation plantings along the streambank during the week of November 5th

The new channel looking upstream on October 26th.

Timber removed from the project site.  Over 500 cubic yards of debris has been removed as of October 26th.

Metal and concrete removed from the proposed floodplain and new channel as of October 26th.

Early construction during the week of October 1st

Debris collected from the proposed floodplain during the week of October 1st.

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