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Lincoln County residents are encouraged to take part in recycling. Self serve recycling trailers are available in Eureka, Libby and Troy. For information on recycling in Lincoln County, please a contact the Environmental Health Department at (406) 283-2442.

libby troy trailers
Recycling Trailers in Libby and Troy


Recycling Trailers in Eureka





Lincoln County Recycles:

Papers of all kinds

Aluminum and steel/tin cans (Soft drink/beverage cans and steel food cans)
Do not recycle: Aluminum foil, foil containers, steel, aerosol cans and paint cans

Cardboard (Both corrugated and non-corrugated cardboard)
Do not Recycle: Cardboard with a wax surface
Cardboard Collection for Eureka: Stein’s Family Market

Lincoln County does not recycle:
Styrofoam packing material
Plastic and styrofoam cups
Food or garbage
Hardback books

Recycle at the following locations:

[column col=”1/2″] Eureka
North Lincoln County Annex
66121 MT Highway 37

Eureka Transfer Station
653 Airport Road, (406) 889-5117

Across from City Hall
952 East Spruce

Libby, Lincoln County Landfill
4000 Pipe Creek Road, (406) 293-7146

[/column] [column col=”1/2″]

Kootenai Disposal
34745 U.S. Highway 2, Libby
Landfill and Transfer Stations

141 St. Regis Haul Road

Troy Transfer Station
273 Dump Road, (406) 283-1713

Specialized Recycling Products
The Eureka and Troy transfer stations accept the following specialized waste products:
Used appliances
Scrap metal
Wood products
Yard Waste
Batteries (auto or lead acid)
**Motor oil
**Troy transfer station does not accept these products

Helpful Recycling Hints
Flatten plastic.
Rinse all containers. It is okay to leave paper labels on plastic bottles and cans. Remove the cap.
If you bag your paper, place all paper in BROWN PAPER BAGS. All other items should be placed loosely in the recycle bin.
Keep recyclables separate.

Junk Vehicles

At the Libby Landfill, junk vehicles are stored for annual crushing and recycling. If you have a junk vehicle call (406) 283-2442 for a release form to have the vehicle collected and hauled to Libby at no cost to you.

The Lincoln Conservation District has coordinated with the Lincoln County Department of Environmental Health, county officials and Recycle Eureka to implement recycling programs and education in Lincoln County.

In 2009 the District received a $10,300.00 grant from the Montana Department of Natural Resource Management to provide financial assistance to purchase recycling trailers for Eureka, equipment and educational materials to increase public awareness to promote recycling and waste reduction Lincoln County.

In 2010 the Lincoln Conservation District assisted the Lincoln County Department of Environmental Health officials to receive a Montana Department of Environmental Quality Recycling Infrastructure Grant from the U.S. Department of Energy in the amount of $25,000.00 to help defray the cost of the recycling trailers in Libby and Troy.

In 2011 the Conservation District assisted the Lincoln County Department of Environmental Health officials to obtain grant funds from the DEQ Hub and Spoke Recycling Grant in the amount of $50,000.00 to purchase a baling press for Kootenai Disposal. Kootenai Disposal provided matching funds. The purchase of this unit was projected to increase the production of fiber recyclables alone by 30%.

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