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Lincoln Conservation District if offering free pollinator seed mixes created for Northwest Montana and Lincoln County!

The seed mix contains plants with varying bloom times to provide a food source for pollinators all season long.  Flowers of different shapes, sizes and colors are included to attract a variety of beneficial insects including bees, butterflies and moths to pollinate fruits, vegetables and nuts.

Seed Mix

We will be launching our pollinator program in the spring of 2021. If you would like to be on our mailing list please call or email our office. We will have seeds available  in early spring. If you would like to get a head start this fall on site preparation, consider downloading the Pollinator Planting Guide below.

Landowners can receive seed for plots of up to 2,500 square feet!  To receive the seed mix, there are a few steps to follow:

  1. Complete the planting release form.  The form can be mailed to the District Office, e-mailed or hand delivered to the District Office. Pollinator Cooperator Form
  2. Site preparation is important for the success of the plants to control weed and grass competition before planting.  Follow the steps in the Pollinator Planting Guide to help assist you in preparing  your site to create a successful garden.  Pollinator Planting Guide
  3. Provide photos of planting area prior to receiving the seed.  The release form will ask you, the landowner, to allow representatives of Lincoln Conservation District to survey and take photos to help us measure the success stories in Lincoln County.

For further details on this program, please contact the District Administrator at 406-297-2233.



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