If you are planning to do work on or near a waterway in Montana, one or several permits may be required. Conservation districts, along with participating agencies, created the “Joint Application for Proposed Work in Montana’s Streams, Wetlands, Floodplains, And Other Water Bodies” form to help reduce the number of application forms that you need to complete to get your permits. We hope that in addition to reducing paperwork, the use of the form will increase coordination and streamline the permitting process. This application form can be used to apply for any or all of the following permits.
- Conservation Districts (local government) – 310 Permit
- MT Fish, Wildlife and Parks (state government) – SP 124 permit
- County Floodplain Administrators (local government) – floodplain permit
- US Army Corps of Engineers (federal government) – Section 404/Section 10 permit
- MT Department of Environmental Quality (state government) – 318 (turbidity) Authorization
- MT Department of Natural Resource and Conservation (state government) – Navigable river land use license and easement
The Lincoln Conservation District created the “Guide to Montana Water Resources and Permitting in Lincoln County” to assist property owners to determine which permits are necessary for the work they plan to do. To download the guide, please visit “Publications” or contact the District Office to have a copy sent to you. Please note, this guide describes permit requirements from agencies other than those listed above. Applications must be made to them separately if those permits are applicable to your project.